Assisting patient’s oncological treatments

Juli 18, 2023



Complementary medicine/therapy in recent years attracts a high level of interest from cancer patients. About every second cancer patient uses one of the complementary medical methods, such as acupuncture, Tuina medical massage, Tai Chi Exercise which is form of gentle body exercises and so on.

A common motivating factor for having complementary therapy treatment is the desire to take a positive and personal action in managing patient’s own specific condition. These patients’ efforts should be supported – taken into account that a positive adjuvant therapeutic treatment alongside of the conventional medical oncological treatment is an effective treatment modalities in helping cancer patients.

In addition, it is well established that patients who, seek complementary treatments have made much more positive experiences or outcomes than those who only received conventional medical oncological treatment alone.

However, one must know that None of the medical oncological or complementary medical treatments can make a miraculous cure. The only Being here who can make a miraculous Cure at any given time is the Almighty God. Therefore, we urge every single person who is going through this process of fighting cancer, pray to Father God, Son of God – Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity emits a healing frequency to the person who sincerely and earnestly prays for God’s Healing.

In New Testament of the Bible – Matthew 19

Jesus looked at them and said, “For people this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

We also want to emphasize here about the importance of daily physical exercise. A daily routine of physical exercise during and after treatment for any type of cancer should be recommended to all cancer patients. The goal of exercising can start with gentle exercise such as walking, then gradually proceed to moderate exercise e.g jogging. Once the patient’s body strength is built up, a 30 min of combined strenuous physical exercise can then be achieved. The patient needs to adhere and maintain this physical exercise routines as early as possible such as after diagnosis, or immediately after cancer treatment, operation and chemotherapy etc, and finally the exercise routine should be a part of the patient’s life.

We recommend a mix of warm-up, coordination, flexibility, endurance and strengthening body training for patients since it is the best physical exercise routine to improve the quality of life in a long run together with TCM combined therapy.