
November 5, 2021



Some human diseases may be attributable to defects in cellular stagnation. Accumulation of misfolded, damaged, or aggregated proteins can lead to prolonged internal cellular stress, accumulation of reactive oxygen species, and an abnormal amount of cell death in the body. Cupping therapy using pressure suction together with the movement of cupping will help to eliminate cellular stagnation and waste products as well as to promote cellular repairs. Cupping stimulates the flow of Qi – the vital life force in the body. It dilates the small capillaries to exchange carbon dioxide with oxygen at the local cellular level for better delivery of nutrients in the cellular matrix. It speeds up the lymphatic drainage of waste products, through increased venous circulation. Thereby it actually increases efficient arterial blood flow for better blood circulation of the body in order to maintain good health and well-being.  

Once the energy flow is increased in the cellular matrix, its connective tissues, fasciae, followed by muscles are relaxed. Therefore, the muscular tension or pains can be relieved as well. 

The most and frequent places for cupping are on the back, nape and shoulders, or a local area of pain e.g. the lumbar or sacral areas, etc.

Cupping can cause temporary bruising and soreness, it solely depends on the percentage of suction created in the cups by the vacuum pressure and the level of the local cellular stagnation of the patient. In TCM, the color of the cupping patches is also a diagnosis since it shows where in the body that pathogenic stagnation needs to be addressed along the course of TCM treatments.

The bruising disappears within a couple of days. The soreness goes away during the treatment as soon as the cups are removed, or lingers a few hours after the treatment. These are the normal reactions of cupping therapy.