Herbal therapy

November 5, 2021



Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine has been used for over 3000 years in China and is still used by TCM doctors in & outside of China.

The first traditional Chinese herbalist is called Shen Nong (神农), who lived around 3000 BC.  He did a lot of herbal research on himself as well as on his patients. He studied over 360 Chinese herbs regarding their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics throughout his lifelong practice of Chinese herbal medicine. The most representative book – Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shennong’s Materia Medica) was written by him and this book is considered to be the oldest Chinese Herbal medicine book. It classifies those herbs into different categories of herbal medicine according to their therapeutic uses.

Shen Nong paid particular attention to dietary herbs which can treat, benefit, maintain and restore homeostasis of the body. He categorized this group of herbs as ‘superior herbs’ since they have no side effects and they are all considered as food grade for dietary uses such as ginger, onion, cinnamon, nutmeg, dates, barley grains, rice, various beans, honey, rhubarb, watercresses, sweet corn, almonds, walnuts, etc.

Here at TCM Spezialisten Praxis, we advocate for this category of dietary herbs, aiming to maintain good health and well-being. We provide FREE dietary advice to our patients with each treatment.