Meridians & Collaterals

Oktober 7, 2021



Jing Luo 经络 – Meridians & Collaterals are those invisible pathways that carry life force energy which enables body fluids, blood, nutrients and neuron propagations etc to move, flow and connect freely in their pathways throughout the molecules, cells, tissues, internal organs and organ systems in the entire human body.

The Meridians and Collaterals not only connect all internal organ and organ systems but also connect all the ligaments, tendons, muscles, fasciae and the skin. This shows why Jing Luo 经络 system is the most important diagnosis and treatment method in TCM.

Acupuncture works entirely through the Jing Luo 经络 – Meridians & Collaterals in helping patient’s body to re-initiate their own self-healing without any drugs/medications. The TCM doctor inserts various sizes of the acupuncture needles into certain acupoints along the meridians to activate this self-healing mechanism in a person.

There are twelve normal meridians, eight special meridians and twelve normal meridian’s branches.

There are fifteen collaterals together with small and surface collaterals; twelve ligament & sinew collaterals; and twelve dermal collaterals.

In the context of health and disease, individual acupuncture point often reflexes any part of an internal organ system to indicate if any physiological and pathological manifestation   on an organ or organ system to the external surface of the body. Technological and scientific advancements in recent years now allow medical scientists and researchers to visualize and investigate the influence of energy flow in molecules, cells, and tissues within larger structural contexts. Spatial biology helps researchers understand how meridians & collaterals flow in various location and their influence in the functions of the body. It is so exciting to know that fasciae in the body matrix are being researched in the medical research centers all over the world. What’s more, acupuncture becomes a favorable module among Western medical students to add into their study of complementary medicine while studying Western medicine. One can see from here that acupuncture treatment modality will be very soon practiced along the Western medicine in all the hospitals in the whole world.