weight loss natural

Weight Loss

Dezember 7, 2022



Western lifestyles often contribute to weightgain, with sedentary lifestyles becoming more common, the consumption of processed foods being on the increase and the stress of a busy demanding lifestyle making time for exercise less easy to incorporate into our day.

We as TCM practitioners also realise that weight gain can have physical, emotional and spiritual root causes.

TCM does provide the means to assist and promote weight loss even though we emphasize that the motivation of the individual to reach and maintain the ideal weight is still of paramount importance and TCM alone cannot compensate for a lack of desire in this regard.

How can Traditional Chinese Medicine help you in weight loss?

Conditions such as over-weight and obesity were seldom mentioned in the ancient Traditional Chinese Medical records. Nowadays, there are more and more people have weight problems either over-weight or obesity.

There are multi-factors in relation to weight problems.

However, weight related problems have a close relationship with the person’s constitution, inheritance, medical conditions, age, diet, emotions and lifestyle. Therefore, in treating weight problems , TCM treatments must be combined with the patient’s lifestyle changes, such as having a regular exercise regime, correct dietary program and together with various other professional body treatments in order to help the person lose some extra weight and to reach the optimal body weight.

Apart from all these, the most important thing in the whole treatment regime is the client’s own motivation. The client must want to lose some extra weight from the bottom of her/his heart and thereby she/he will be more likely to stick to the treatment protocol until the ideal weight has been reached.

Rachel Fang